Cre4tive Data Social

European Blockchain Convention @Cre4tiveData twitter summary

Central banks panel discussion; highly interesting. It won’t be an stable crypto currency unless system will be well designed, linked to real assets. Who is providing money? #Currencies need trust, this may come from central banks. Transition must be also monitored.


We forgot to name institutions in the panel:

and #bankofLithuania Do we really need a #cryptocurrency in Europe? Interesting, as maybe the answer is not in cash parameters; but maybe yes for filling gaps in international markets

 Jan 20, 2020Twitter for iPhone
cre4tivedata  @cre4tivedata

from VeChain at #EuropeanBlockchainConvention “do not overestimate technology and underestimate non technology factors in #blockchain business


 Jan 20, 2020Twitter for iPhone


In our way to #EuropeanBlockchainConvention under the rain



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